Corporate Social Responsibility

Our contributions to our communities


We are creating a positive impact in the markets in which we operate


We develop our people and seek to innovate


We make social contributions and are committed to protecting our environment

HQ Capital’s social initiative, HQ Capital Gives Back!, was launched in 2017 to create a positive impact through volunteer initiatives in the communities in which we operate in order to support humanitarian efforts, inclusion and diversity, and the provision of aid to people and our environment.

Our activities


Be(e) Happy @HQ Capital

Zur Förderung der Artenvielfalt und Schutz der Insekten übernimmt HQ Capital für mindestens zwei Jahre eine Bienenpatenschaft in Bad Homburg.

HQ Capital Gives Back! 2021

The 2021 HQ Capital Gives Back! renews donations to local charities. The focus remains on the most vulnerable populations: children, families, the elderly and homeless

HQ Capital Gives Back! in New York

HQ Capital’s New York team staffs Concrete Safaris’ back-to-school fair in East Harlem, NY

HQ Capital Gives Back! in New York

HQ Capital team partners with Pajama Program to provide children with pajamas and books to encourage reading

HQ Capital Gives Back! in Bad Homburg

Malteser Social Day 2018 – HQ Capital Team streicht Flure des Georg-Büchner-Gymnasiums in Bad Vilbel

HQ Capital Gives Back! – in Hongkong

HQ Capital team helps save food, which would otherwise be discarded, to feed underprivileged community in Hong Kong with local charity, Food Angel